Science Advice and Government: One Voice or Many?

Claire joined host of the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy’s Science and Policy Podcast, Dr Rob Doubleday, along with fellow guest Jon Agar (Professor of Science and Technology Studies, UCL), to discuss which scientific voices are heard in government, and whether one voice or many shapes information that is informing decision making. They explore what structures and institutions have evolved over recent decades to try and make that process more open, more diverse and more robust. Listen to their discussion here.

INGSA Horizon Series Interview

In 2021, the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) is producing an interview series with some of the key global practitioners at the interfaces between science, policy and society. This INGSA Horizon Series looks beyond the immediate lessons of the pandemic to how the complex systems of our society need to adapt to face future wicked challenges. Sarah interviewed Claire about the implications of Storylistening for practitioners working at the science/society/policy interface.